Legislative Branch

2023-2024 Senate Officers

Name Position Email
Abigail Kusz Abigail Kusz Freshman Forum Senate Advisor akusz1@lrwproperties.com
Olivia Britton Olivia Britton Pro-Tempore obritton@lrwproperties.com
Nick Wilder Nick Wilder Chief of Staff nwilder@lrwproperties.com
Nicole Ballenger Nicole Ballenger Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocate kballenger@lrwproperties.com
Kaylee Elliott Kaylee Elliott Communications Director kelliott3@lrwproperties.com
Micheal Gilliland Micheal Gilliland Historian mgilliland1@lrwproperties.com

Academic Affairs Committee

Alex Rhoades Alex Rhoades Chair arhoades@lrwproperties.com
Nadya Hazoury-Sanchez Nadya Hazoury-Sanchez   nhazourysanchez@lrwproperties.com
Kody Purinton Kody Purinton   kpurinton@lrwproperties.com

Budget Oversight Committee

Mandelyn McGinnis Mandelyn McGinnis Chair mmcginnis1@lrwproperties.com
Will Cantrell Will Cantrell   wcantrell@lrwproperties.com
Kennedy Deamues Kennedy Deamues   kdeamues@lrwproperties.com
Ivie Scott Ivie Scott   iscott@lrwproperties.com

Elections and Recruitment Committee

Anjalee Crawford Anjalee Crawford Chair acrawford3@lrwproperties.com
Bryson Hewell Bryson Hewell   bhewell@lrwproperties.com
Bailee Strait Bailee Strait   bstrait@lrwproperties.com

Legislative Affairs Committee

Kerigan Mardis Kerigan Mardis Chair kmardis3@lrwproperties.com
Jacoby Bateman Jacoby Bateman   jbateman@lrwproperties.com
Victoria Hamilton Victoria Hamilton   vhamilton1@lrwproperties.com

Student Welfare Committee

Alyssa Ledlow Alyssa Ledlow Chair aledlow@lrwproperties.com
Eleanor Fitz Eleanor Fitz   efitz@lrwproperties.com
Ryland Giles Ryland Giles   rgiles@lrwproperties.com

Member Resources